Turning ON / OFF [AUTO PRINT] on MX300 / MX310

Article ID: ART158915 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 08/18/2015


Turning ON / OFF [AUTO PRINT] on MX300 / MX310



When [AUTO PRINT] is set to [OFF], incoming received faxes will be temporarily stored to memory. The default setting is [ON], which means incoming received faxes will automatically print.

The fax machine will not automatically print a received fax and will store it in memory in the following conditions.

  • Ink is low or has run out
  • The paper size and type is not set correctly
  • Paper has run out
  • The Output Tray is closed

Setting AUTO PRINT to ON or OFF.

  1. Press the <FAX> button to enter the Fax menu.

  2. Press the <Menu> button. [FAX SETTINGS] is displayed

  3. Press the left or right arrow button to select [RX SETTINGS] , then press <OK> two times.

  4. Press the left or right arrow to select [ON] or [OFF], then press <OK>.
    Turning off AUTO PRINT will cause received incoming faxes to be stored temporarily on the fax.

  5. If you selected OFF in step 4, please go to step 6.
    If you selected ON in step 4, PRINT WHEN NO INK will appear on the display. Decide if you'd like the machine to continue to print incoming received faxes if ink is low.

    CAUTION: When this option is set ON, the fax machine will not monitor the ink level of the ink cartridges. If ink is low or out, received faxes will print with streaks or blank. Furthermore, once the fax is printed, it will be deleted from memory.
    1. To print received faxes when ink is low or out, press the left or right arrow to select [ON] and then press <OK>.
    2. To store received faxes in memory when ink is low or out, press the left or right arrow to select [OFF] and then press <OK>.

  6. Press the <Stop/Reset> repeatedly to return to Fax standby mode.



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