Turning ON / OFF [Auto print received] on MX870

Article ID: ART105611 | Date published: 05/11/2015 | Date last updated: 08/15/2015


Turning ON / OFF [Auto print received] on MX870


Auto Print Received

Sets whether the machine automatically prints the fax it received. When set to OFF, received faxes are stored in memory.

  1. Make sure that the machine is turned on

  2. Press the Setup button.

  3. Select Device settings, then press the OK button.

    The Device settings screen is displayed.

  4. Use the UPDOWN button to select FAX settings, then press the OK button.

  5. Use the UPDOWN button to select Fax User settings, then press the OK button.

  6. Use the UPDOWN button to select Auto print , then press the OK button.

  7. Use the UPDOWN button to select On or Off, then press the OK button.


  8. When this setting is set to OFF, the following reports are also not printed automatically.

    Activity report
    TX (Transmission) report
    RX (Reception) report
    MULTI TX (Transmission) report

    You can print the activity report manually even when OFF is selected for Auto print.
    To print reports other than the activity report, select ON for Auto print.

    When this setting is set to ON, use the UPDOWN button to select On or Off for Print when out of ink, then press the OK button.

    Print when out of ink sets whether to continue printing the received fax without storing it in memory when the ink has run out. When this setting is set to ON, the machine prints the received fax forcibly even if the ink has run out.

    However, part or all of the fax may not be printed since the ink has run out.



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