How to reset the machine settings to the default settings

Article ID: ART137133 | Date published: 05/13/2015 | Date last updated: 08/15/2015


  1. Make sure that the machine is turned on.

  2. Press the Setup button.

    The Setup menu screen is displayed.

  3. Use the LEFTRIGHT button to select Device settings, then press the OK button.

    When you change the fax settings, press the Setup button, then select Fax settings.

  4. Use the LEFTRIGHT button to select Reset setting, then press the OK button.

  5. Use the LEFTRIGHT button to select LAN settings, Telephone no. data, Setting data or All data, then press the OK button.

  6. Use the LEFTRIGHT button to select Yes, then press the OK button.

    • LAN settings : Reverts the LAN settings back to the default.

    • Telephone no. data: Reverts the telephone/fax number settings to default.

    • Setting data: Reverts the machine settings other than the telephone number settings to default

    • All data: Reverts all settings you made to the machine back to default

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