How Do I Print With Only the Black or Color Inks? - TS6120

Article ID: ART169965 | Date published: 04/11/2018 | Date last updated: 08/17/2020


Learn how to specify which inks to print with when using the PIXMA TS6120 on a Windows PC.


If you want to print using only the black ink, the color ink, or both, follow the steps below to specify the ink(s) you want to use with your printer.

  1. Open the printer driver setup window.  For instructions, click here.

  2. Right click on the icon for your printer.  Click Printing Preferences.

  3. Click the Page Setup tab.

  4. Click Print Options....

    Click Print Options...

  5. Specify the ink tank(s) that you want to print with.

  6. Click OK.

 When the following settings are specified, Only PGBK (Black) does not function because the printer uses an ink tank other than PGBK (Black) to print documents.

  • Other than Plain PaperEnvelopeInk Jet Hagaki (A)Hagaki K (A)Hagaki (A), or Hagaki is selected for Media Type on the Main tab

  • Borderless is selected from the Page Layout list on the Page Setup tab

 Don't remove any ink tanks that you don't want to print with. If any of the ink tanks are removed, you won't be able to print.

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