Installing and Uninstalling Cover Sheet Editor

Article ID: ART156984 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Installing and Uninstalling Cover Sheet Editor


Installing and Uninstalling Cover Sheet Editor


The Canon Cover Sheet Editor is software for creating original fax cover sheet templates for use with a Canon fax driver.

After registering the cover sheets created with this software in your fax driver, you can use them with any fax. If you specify fields instead of manually entering data for sender or recipient information, the actual sender or recipient information that you select in the fax driver is automatically entered in the cover sheet when the fax is sent.

With the Canon Cover Sheet Editor, you can do the following:

  • Insert text using different fonts, font styles, and font sizes into a cover sheet.
  • Insert a variety of objects, such as drawings and images, into a cover sheet.
  • Use the field feature for creating cover sheets for sending faxes to multiple recipients.
  • Add fields for specifying remarks and comments in addition to the sender and recipient information fields.
  • Easily edit the display order and position of objects, and group different objects.
  • Align objects on a grid while you work with them.

Installing and Uninstalling Cover Sheet Editor


  1. Insert the CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.

  2. Click [Start] on the Windows task bar, [My Computer] (Windows 98/Me/2000: double-click [My Computer]).

  3. Open the CD-ROM icon, double-click the following folders: [CSE], then [English].

  4. Double-click the [setup (setup.exe)] icon to start the installation process.

  5. Click [Next>], then follow the instructions on the screen to continue the installation.

    The [Canon Cover Sheet Editor License Agreement] dialog box is displayed.

  6. Read the Canon Cover Sheet Editor license agreement carefully. If you agree to the terms, select [I accept the terms in the license agreement], click [Next>], then follow the instructions on the screen to continue the installation.

  7. In the dialog box for selecting a setup type, select [Complete] or [Custom], then click [Next>].

    If you select [Custom] in the dialog box for selecting [Setup Type], you can specify the directory into which Canon Cover Sheet Editor is to be installed.

  8. Click [Install] to start copying the files.

  9. Click [Finish].
To start the Cover Sheet Editor, follow the procedure below:

Click [Start] on the Windows task bar, [(All) Programs], [Canon], [CSE], then [Cover Sheet Editor].
The Canon Cover Sheet Editor will open.



If it becomes necessary to uninstall the Canon Cover Sheet Editor, follow the procedure below.

  1. Click [Start] on the Windows task bar, [Settings], then [Control Panel].

  2. Click [Add/Remove Programs] (Windows 98/Me/2000: double-click [Add/Remove Programs] icon), select [Canon Cover Sheet Editor], then click [Change/Remove].

  3. When the [InstallShield Wizard] dialog box appears, follow the instructions on the screen.
    The Canon Cover Sheet Editor is uninstalled.



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