Setting the Auto Power On / Off feature - iB4120

Article ID: ART168296 | Date published: 07/28/2017 | Date last updated: 04/25/2019


Setting the Auto Power On / Off feature


Turning the Printer on or off Automatically


Turning on Printer Automatically

You can enable the printer to turn on automatically when printing data is sent to the printer.

  1. Make sure printer is turned on.

  2. Press Setup button.

    The Setup menu screen is displayed.

  3. Select ECO (power on/off) and press OK button.

  4. Select Auto power on and press OK button.

  5. Select ON and press OK button.


    • You can select whether you turn the printer on automatically from the operation panel of theprinter or the printer driver. No matter how you set the mode, the mode is applied when printing data is sent to the printer.

Turning off Printer Automatically

You can enable the printer to turn off automatically when no operation is made or no printing data is sent to the printer for a specified period of time.

  1. Make sure printer is turned on.

  2. Press Setup button.

    The Setup menu screen is displayed.

  3. Select ECO (power on/off) and press OK button.

  4. Select Auto power off and press OK button.

  5. Select time and press OK button.


    • You can select whether you turn off the printer automatically from the operation panel of theprinter or the printer driver.

iB4120 Page

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