Activity report settings MX882

Article ID: ART109539 | Date published: 05/11/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Changing the activity report settings.


Activity Report Setting

  1. Make sure that the machine is turned on.

  2. Press the <Setup> button.

  3. Use the to select [Device settings], then press the <OK> button.

    The Device settings screen is displayed.

  4. Use the button to select [FAX settings], then press the <OK> button.

    Note: The below illustration shows the Print settings option highlighted.

  5. Use the button to select [Auto print settings], then press the <OK> button.

  6. Use the button to select [Activity report], then press the <OK> button.

  7. Use the button to select the desired report setting, then press the <OK> button.

    • [Print]: To print the Activity report after every 20 transactions.

    • [Do not print]: To keep the Activity report from printing automatically.

  8. Press the <FAX> button to return to Fax standby mode.



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