Definition of Finder Magnification

Article ID: ART157782 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 01/25/2016


Definition of Finder Magnification


Finder Magnification


The ratio of the visual angle of an object viewed through a finder and that of the same object in the same position viewed directly.


In the case of an interchangeable-lens, single-lens reflex camera, it is normal to indicate the finder magnification with the standard lens mounted, and most of them are designed so that the finder magnification is 0.9 to 1.0 (equalized magnification).

In the case of a lens-shutter camera, it is 0.5 to 0.8. A simple method of ascertaining finder magnification is to observe a scale through the viewfinder with one eye, and directly with the other eye. Then laminate the two images and obtain the ratio of the image seen through the viewfinder.



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