Adjusting Auto Power Settings - MB2720

Article ID: ART168768 | Date published: 10/26/2017 | Date last updated: 04/25/2019


This article explains how to adjust the auto power settings for your printer.



Follow the procedure below to enable turning on/off the printer automatically.

  1. Make sure that the printer is turned on.

  2. Flick the HOME screen and tap ECO settings.

  3. Tap Power control.

  4. Tap Enable auto power control.

  5. Read the message and tap Next.

  6. Specify settings as necessary.

    1. Tap to specify the length of time to turn the printer off automatically when no operation is made or no printing data is sent to the printer.

    2. Tap to select the setting.

      Selecting ON enables the printer to turn on automatically when a scanning command from a computer or printing data is sent to the printer.

    3. Tap to confirm the settings.


MB2720 Page

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