Installing the MultiPASS software on a Mac OS 8.5 - 9.x system - C555

Article ID: ART156412 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Installing the MultiPASS software on a Mac OS 8.5 - 9.x system - C555


Untitled Document

C555 Macintosh Installation

Start up your system in this order:

1. Make sure your computer is turned off.

2. Be sure the MultiPASS is plugged in and connected to the computer.

3. Now turn on the computer.

When you see the Macintosh desktop, follow these steps.

1. Insert the MultiPASS Canon Creative CD into your CD drive. (This CD contains all the device software for your MultiPASS.)

2. The MultiPASS Canon Creative screen should appear automatically. (If not, double-click the 'MultiPASS C555' icon that appears in the CD window on your desktop. This will launch the MultiPASS Canon Creative screen.)

3. Click the 'Install/Uninstall' button on the MultiPASS Canon Creative screen

4. On the new screen that appears, click the 'Install MultiPASS Software' button. Follow the on-screen instructions. (In the Install/ Uninstall screen, you must accept the license agreement to proceed with installation.).

5. When installation is complete, you are prompted to restart your computer.

6. After you restart, the Fax Setup Utility launches automatically. You are prompted to enter important information, which is outlined in steps 7 and 8.

7. On the Send Fax tab of the Fax Setup Utility, fill in your name in the Fax Heading/Unit Name box. Fill in your fax number in the Fax Number box.

8. On the Receive Fax tab, select one of five Receive Modes to determine how faxes are received. For more information about these Receive Modes, see Chapter 3, Using the Fax Setup Utility in your MultiPASS Suite for Macintosh User's Guide (click the Manuals/Supplies/Help button on the Canon Creative screen, or double-click the MultiPASS Suite for Macintosh User's Guide icon in the Desktop Manager folder on your hard drive).

9. Click 'OK' to save the settings. Installation and setup of the MultiPASS Desktop Manager software is now complete.



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