Resetting the MG6820

Article ID: ART165638 | Date published: 05/05/2016 | Date last updated: 04/19/2019


factory settings


Reset Settings on the MG6820

This section describes the procedure to reset various settings.

  1. Make sure machine is turned on.

  2. Flick HOME screen and tap Setup.

    Using the Operation Panel

  3. Tap Device settings.

    The Device settings screen is displayed.

  4. Tap Reset setting.

    You can set the settings back to the default.

    Options available. Tap to select:

    • Web service setup only

      Sets the Web service settings back to the default.

    • LAN settings only

      Sets the LAN settings other than the administrator password back to the default.

    • Settings only

      Sets the settings such as the paper size or media type back to the default.

    • Device info sending setting only

      Sets only the device information sending settings back to the default.

    • Reset all

      Sets all settings you made to the machine back to the default. The administrator password specified for the machine is set to the default setting.


      • You cannot set the following setting items back to the default:

        • The language displayed on the touch screen

        • The background color of the HOME screen

        • The current position of the print head

        • CSR (Certificate Signing Request) for encryption method (SSL/TLS) setting

  5. After selecting the item to reset, tap Yes to confirm, then tap OK.

MG6820 Page

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