Support Code 3447 Appears - TR7520 / TR8520

Article ID: ART171363 | Date published: 08/13/2018 | Date last updated: 03/04/2019


Network error




An error occurred while communicating via wireless direct or while in standby.

What to Do

Select OK on the printer's touch screen.

Turn off the printer and turn it back on.

Wireless direct becomes enabled.


  • The printer cannot be turned off while it is sending or receiving a fax, or when the received fax or the unsent fax is stored in the printer's memory.

    Turn off the printer after making sure it has completed sending or receiving all the faxes. Do not unplug when turning off the printer.

    If you unplug the power cord, all the faxes stored in the printer's memory are deleted.


TR Series Support Pages

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