5B15 error appears on MX372

Article ID: ART137475 | Date published: 05/13/2015 | Date last updated: 05/06/2019


**** (4 digit alphanumeric one-byte characters) Printer error has occurred



When the message "**** (*1) Printer error has occurred. Turn off power then back on again. If problem persists, see the manual." is displayed, there may be a problem inside the printer.
(*1): "****" is displayed with alphanumeric one-byte characters.
Example: 5012, etc.
Example: The display of the 5012 error



Turn OFF the printer, and unplug the power cord. After waiting about 10 seconds, reconnect the power cord. Then, turn ON the printer again.
If the problem persists, service is required
For support and service options, sign into (or create) your Canon Account from the link below.
My Canon Account.



5011, 5012, 5040, 6800, 6801, 5400, 5200, 5B02, 5B03, 5B04, 5B05, 5B12, 5B13, 5B14, 5B15, 6000





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