WEP Details Screen (IJ Network Device Setup Utility)

Article ID: ART167806 | Date published: 05/08/2017 | Date last updated: 05/08/2017


This article outlines what is in the WEP details screen in the IJ Network Device Setup Utility.



Enter the password (passphrase) according to wireless router's encryption method if you change a wireless router to connect to the printer.

  1. Enter items below when WEP Details screen appears.

    1. WEP Key:

      Enter the same key as the one set to the wireless router.

      The number of characters and character type that can be entered differ depending on the combination of the key length and key format.


      Key Length:



      Key Format:


      5 characters

      13 characters

      Hexadecimal (Hex)

      10 digits

      26 digits

    2. Key Length:

      Select either 64bit or 128bit.

    3. Key Format:

      Select either ASCII or Hex.

    4. Key ID:

      Select the Key ID (index) set to the wireless router.

  2. Click Set.


    • If the printer cannot communicate with the computer after the encryption type of the printer was switched, make sure encryption types for the computer and the wireless router match that set to the printer.


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