Scanning with the scan key MP730 / MP700

Article ID: ART158937 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 08/18/2015


Scanning with the scan key MP730 / MP700


Scanning with the <Scan> key

By pressing the <Scan> key on the printer control panel, you can scan documents to your computer.

Pressing the <Scan> key has the same effect as clicking the Save button in the MP Toolbox. You can change the setting for the Save button, or you can set up a button other than the Save button to perform the same operation.

  1. Place the document face-down on the platen glass. If you have the fax model, you can also place the document face-up in the automatic document feeder (ADF).

  2. Press the <Scan> key on the printer control panel.
  • The document will be scanned.
  • The MP Toolbox and the MP Toolbox settings dialog box will open, but the document will scan without you having to click Scan.
  • Your document will be processed according to your settings.
  • When you use the <Scan> key for the first time, a folder with the scanning date will be created in the My Pictures folder in the My Documents folder, and your document will be saved in this folder. If there is no My Pictures folder, the folder with the scanning date will be created in the My Documents folder and your document will be saved in this folder.



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