Remove tape from the MX300 ink cartridge

Article ID: ART118918 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Remove the orange protective tape from the ink cartridge in the direction of the arrow.


Ink Cartridge Protective Film

If ink does not come out, check to make sure that the protective film has been correctly removed.

  1. Make sure that the machine is turned on, lift the Scanning Unit (Printer Cover) with hands, then pull the Scanning Unit Support (A) down into place.

    Note: After confirming that the scanning unit support is fixed into position, release your hands.

  2. Press down on the semi-circular tab to release the cartridge and then remove it.

    Note: Handle the ink cartridges carefully to avoid staining clothes and surrounding work area.

    * PG-40 and CL-41 cartridges shown in examples

  3. Gently remove the orange protective tape in the direction of the arrow.

    - Do not attempt to reattach the protective tape once you have removed it.
    - Do not touch the gold electrical contacts or the print head nozzles after removing the protective tape.

  4. Insert the ink cartridge into the ink cartridge holder.- Black: the left slot- Color: the right slot

  5. Push up on the front of the cartridge until it locks into place. (A click sound will be heard when the cartridge is locked in place.)

  6. Confirm that the ink cartridges are installed properly.

    <1> The ink cartridge is not installed properly.

    <2> The ink cartridge is installed properly.

  7. Fold the scanning unit support and close the scanning unit (printer cover).

  8. Wait until the preparatory operation is complete; it takes about one to two minutes.



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