Printing Has Streaks / Banding

Article ID: ART165678 | Date published: 05/18/2016 | Date last updated: 05/18/2016


If your prints have streaks / bands or smudges, enabling Prevent Paper Abrasion may correct this problem.


If your prints have streaks / bands or smudges, enabling Prevent Paper Abrasion may correct this problem.  Follow the steps below to enable Prevent Paper Abrasion.
  1. Press the Setup  button.
  2. Press the right arrow button until Device settings appears.  Press OK.

  3. Output settings will appear.  Press OK.

  4. Prevent abrasion will appear.  Press OK.

  5. Prevent abrasion will be OFF by default.  Press the left arrow to select ON.  Then, press OK.

  6. Press the Setup  button again to return to the HOME screen.

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