Printing or deleting faxes from memory MultiPASS MP730

Article ID: ART129320 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Printing or deleting faxes from memory MultiPASS MP730


Printing fax documents stored in memory.

If you have set the MultiPASS Suite to upload received faxes from the machine to your computer, but your computer is off, the machine stores the received faxes in its memory. When you turn on your computer, the faxes will automatically be uploaded to your computer. If you want to print a fax stored in memory instead of uploading it to your computer, follow this procedure:

  1. Press <Fax>.

  2. Press <Menu>.

  3. Use [<] or [>] to select [MEMORY REFERENCE].

  4. Press <Set>. If there are no documents in memory, the machine will revert to standby mode
    when you press <Set>.

  5. Use [<] or [>] to select [PRINT DOCUMENT] or [DELETE DOCUMENT].

  6. Press <Set>.

    NOTE: The faxes you print are erased from memory and will no longer be uploaded to your computer.

  7. Use [<] or [>] to select the transaction number (TX/RX NO.) of the document you want to print or delete.

  8. Press <Set>.

  9. If printing a document, press [*] to print the first page only, or [#] to print all pages of the document.

    If deleting a document, press [*] .

  10. To continue printing or deleting other documents in memory, repeat the procedure from step 7 or Press [Stop/Reset] to return to standby mode.



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