Using the BJ Status Monitor MP700 / MP730

Article ID: ART157361 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Using the BJ Status Monitor MP700 / MP730


Checking the status of the machine with the BJ Status Monitor

If you display the BJ Status Monitor, you can check the status of the machine and the progress of a printing job. The status of the machine is displayed in real time and you can track the progress of individual print jobs. The Status Monitor will also tell you if an error has occurred, if ink is running low, and how you should fix problems.

To start the BJ Status Monitor

BJ Status Monitor automatically launches when printing starts and is displayed in the Windows taskbar. The BJ Status Monitor dialog box is displayed if there is a problem, enabling you to check the status of the machine.

You can launch BJ Status Monitor at any other time by following the steps below.

  1. Open the Printer Properties or Printing Preferences dialog box.

  2. In the Printer Properties or Printing Preferences dialog box, on the Maintenance tab, click 'Start Status Monitor'.

    In the BJ Status Monitor dialog box, the status of the machine and ink is displayed in pictures and messages. During printing, the Status Monitor will display the information about and progress of printing jobs. If an error occurs, the Status Monitor will display the details of the error and how to fix it.

Title bar
The name of the machine and the port the machine is using will be displayed. (If you change the name of the machine, the new name will appear.)

Top left (guidance area)
The status of the machine and the required operations are displayed. The background is blue, yellow or red and you can determine from these colors if the machine is operating normally, or if a warning or an error has occurred.

  • Blue
    The machine is on-line and there are no warnings or errors.
  • Yellow
    A warning (operator call message) has been generated or the machine is mid-way through an operation. Read the explanation and take steps to fix the problem.
  • Red
    An error has occurred. Read the explanation and take steps to fix the problem.

Bottom left (ink information)
The ink tanks are displayed as a picture. An icon will warn you if there is a low-ink warning or if an error has occurred because there is no ink.

Ink is low.

Ink has run out.

Top right (messages)
The machine status and the required operations are displayed.

Bottom right
The name of the document, and the number of the pages and progress currently being printed are displayed.

Items on the [Option] menu
When selected, the following options are available.

  • Enable Status Monitor
    The BJ Status Monitor will start only if a message related to the machine is generated.
  • Always Display Current Job
    The BJ Status Monitor will be always displayed during printing.
  • Always Display on Top
    The BJ Status Monitor will be always displayed on top of other windows. If it is all right for the Status Monitor to stay behind other windows, clear this option.
  • Display Guide Message-Banner Printing (Windows 98/Me only)
    When banner printing starts, a guide message will be displayed.
  • Display Warning Automatically-When the Low Ink Warning Occurs
    If there is a low-ink warning, the BJ Status Monitor will automatically open and will be displayed on top of other windows.
  • Start when Windows is Started
    The BJ Status Monitor will automatically start when Windows is started.

To cancel printing
Click 'Cancel Printing'. The Cancel Printing button is only active during printing a job. It will cease to be active once printing is completed.

To display a list of printing jobs
Click 'Display Print Queue'. A list of jobs currently being printed or jobs waiting in the print queue will be displayed. You can pause or cancel printing jobs.



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