Canon PRINT (macOS) - Scan Photos or Documents

Article ID: ART184718 | Date published: 04/09/2024 | Date last updated: 07/01/2024


Learn how to use Canon PRINT to scan photos or documents into your computer.


You can scan photos or documents with Canon PRINT. Follow the steps below to scan a photo or document into your computer.

  1. From the main screen, select Scan (either from the middle of the window or selecting the Scan icon on the left).

    Main screen with Scan outlined in red, as well as the Scan icon on the left outlined in red

  2. Load the photo or document as shown in the window. You can specify whether you are scanning a photo or a document by clicking the radio button for either option under Original Type. Then, specify the Original Size and Resolution from their respective drop-down menus.

     Models that have an ADF (Auto Document Feeder) will allow you to choose if you want to use the platen (scanner glass) or the ADF for scanning.

    Select the size of the item from the Original Size drop-down menu

    Choose your resolution for scanning

  3. Click Scan to scan the photo or document.


  4. After the scan has finished, a preview image will appear. You can rotate / crop the image, apply image correction, specify a file format, save all pages if you scanned more than a single page, or save multiple pages to a single file (for PDF files). If you want to scan an additional page, click the plus sign Plus sign.

    Scan preview window

    If you select Rotate / Crop, the following will appear:

    This screen allows you to rotate and crop the image

    Rotate the image left or right if needed. You can also adjust the slant correction if needed, and if you need to trim the image, you can specify an aspect ratio from the Trimming Aspect Ratio drop-down menu.

    Choose an aspect ratio

    After adjusting these options as desired, click Done.

    If you select Image Correction, the following will appear:

    Image Correction dialog

    Specify the Color Correction (For documentFor photoFor magazine), whether you want to reduce show-through, and Color Mode (ColorGrayscaleBlack and white) from the drop-down menus. You can also adjust the Unsharp Mask slider. After specifying these options as desired, click OK to apply the changes, or click Reset if you want to reset the settings to their defaults.

    After making any adjustments, click Save, then specify a save location as well as a name for the file that will be saved on your computer.
    If you want to cancel the scan, click the Back button. When prompted to discard the scan result, click Yes.

    Click Yes to cancel the scan

If your product issue was not resolved after following the steps above, or if you require additional help, please create or log in to your Canon Account to see your technical support options.

Or if you still need help, visit our Canon Community by clicking the button below to get answers:

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