If using Windows Vista, try changing the monitor profile from WCS profile to an ICC profile.

Article ID: ART127926 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


  1. If using Windows Vista, try changing the monitor profile from WCS profile to an ICC profile. (If this resolves the problem, then AdobeRGB1998.icc is either missing or corrupt).

  2. Try changing the color space of the file being printed to sRGB. (If this resolves the problem, then AdobeRGB1998.icc is either missing or corrupt).

  3. Try changing the image being printed to another file with sRGB color space (Windows' sample picture would be fine). If the plug-in opens, the failed image file has invalid profiles or color space incompatible with Plug-in. Convert the color space to sRGB or Adobe RGB.

  4. Try reinstalling the Plug-in. First, uninstall the plug-in using "Add or Remove Programs" under the control panel, then restart the computer. After the computer has been restarted, reinstall the plug-in. Do not try to overwrite the existing plug-in.



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