Set TX speed to a lower setting - MX330

Article ID: ART127613 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Set TX speed to a lower setting - MX330


Untitled Document

Change the TX Start speed

1. Press the <FAX> button, then press the <Menu> button . The Fax menu is displayed.

2. Press the or button to select Settings, then press the OK button.

The Settings screen is displayed.

3. Press the or button to select Device settings, then press the OK button.

The Device settings screen is displayed.

4. Press the or button to select FAX settings, then press the OK button.

The FAX settings screen is displayed.

5. Press the or button to select Transmission settings, then press the OK button.

6. Use the or button to select TX start speed, then press the OK button.

7. Use the or button to select one of the following speeds: 33600 / 14400 / 9600 / 7200 / 4800 / 2400, then press the OK button.

8. Press <FAX>.



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