Uninstalling the MP Toolbox / MP Drivers - MP700 / MP730

Article ID: ART161235 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 08/18/2015


Uninstalling the MP700 / MP730


Removing and Reinstalling the software

When removing the software, first remove the MP Toolbox, and then the MP drivers. Even if you are going to reinstall the software, you must still remove the currently installed software.

Windows 2000/XP: You must log on as Administrator or have Administrator privileges. By following the steps below, all components of the MP drivers and MP Toolbox will be removed.

To remove the MP Toolbox
  1. Quit the MP Toolbox, and any applications (including virus checkers) that are currently running. To close the MP Toolbox, click on the 'X' at the top right of the window.

  2. On the Windows desktop, click 'Start', point to '(All) Programs', 'Canon', and 'MP Toolbox 4.1'. Select 'Uninstall Toolbox'.

  3. Follow the on-screen instructions. When the Repair or Remove program selection screen is displayed, check 'Remove', and then click 'Next'. If asked to confirm removal of an application, click 'OK'. Restart your computer if a message asking you to do so appears.


If you receive an error while trying to uninstall the MP Toolbox, run the force install to reinstall the software and then uninstall it. In the following path MP\English\Toolbox\Setup\, double-click FrcInst.exe and then follow the instuctions to reinstall MP Toolbox and then attempt to uninstall the program.

Note: The force install will only install MP Toolbox. It will not force install the MP drivers.


To remove the MP drivers

  1. Quit any applications (including virus checkers) that are currently running.

  2. On the Windows desktop, click 'Start', point to '(All) Programs', 'Canon', and 'MP drivers'. Select 'Uninstall drivers'.

  3. In 'Please select the device to delete', select the printer name ('MP730' or 'MP700'), then click 'Perform'. The 'Finish' screen is displayed.

  4. Disconnect the USB cable from the computer and printer. Windows 2000: The 'Device removal warning' screen appears. Click 'OK'. This will not affect the printer or computer. Restart your computer if a message asking you to do so appears.

To reinstall the software

After removing the MP Toolbox and MP drivers, reinstall the software.


If you receive an error while trying to install the MP Toolbox, run the force install program. In the following path MP\English\Toolbox\Setup\, double-click FrcInst.exe and then follow the instuctions to reinstall MP Toolbox.

Note: The force install will only install MP Toolbox. It will not force install the MP drivers.




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