If the image prints black and white instead of color, disable Grayscale Printing (Windows)

Article ID: ART128159 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Uncheck Grayscale Print checkbox in printer properties


Unchecking Grayscale Printing

Follow the steps below to change the Grayscale Printing option:

  1. Select the command you use to perform printing from the program you are using. (In general, select 'Print' on the File menu to open the Print dialog box.)

  2. Select your model name and click 'Preferences' (or 'Properties'). The printer driver setup window appears.

  3. On the Quick Setup tab, click on the 'Grayscale Printing' check-box to remove the check-mark.

  4. Click the 'OK' button to save the setting.



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