Receiving a fax manually MP390

Article ID: ART157657 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Receiving a fax manually MP390


Untitled Document

Receiving faxes manually: MANUAL MODE

Choose this mode if:

  • you only have one telephone line for fax and telephone use.
  • you receive mainly voice calls and sometimes faxes.

You will need to:

  • set [MANUAL MODE] .
  • connect a telephone to your machine

When you receive a fax call:

  • The machine will ring. Pick up the handset and if you hear a beep, press [Start] on the machine to receive the fax. If you are far from your machine, dial 25 (the remote receiving ID) on your telephone and hang up.

When you receive a voice call:

  • The machine will ring. Pick up the handset to answer the call.

NOTE: You can customize remote receiving by enabling/disabling it, or by changing the remote receiving ID. If you have an answering machine connected to your machine that can carry out remote-control operations (controlling your answering machine from a remote telephone), the security code for this function may be the same as the remote receiving ID. If so, make sure you change the machine' s remote receiving ID to make it distinct from the answering machine' s security code .



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