Set device to correct Telephone Line Type

Article ID: ART159625 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 08/18/2015


The available [TEL LINE TYPE] setting options are [TOUCH TONE] and [ROTARY PULSE].


Telephone Line Type

The fax machine is set to dial out, by the default, using touch tone dialing. If the telephone line is set for rotary pulse, the fax will not dial out. Change the telephone line type on the operator panel as follows.

  1. Press <Menu>.

  2. Press [<] or [>] repeatedly until [USER DATA] appears.

  3. Press <Set>.

  4. Press [<] or [>] repeatedly until [FAX SETTINGS] appears.

  5. Press <Set> twice.

  6. Press [<] or [>] repeatedly until [TEL LINE TYPE] appears.

  7. Press <Set>.

  8. Press [<] or [>] to select [ROTARY PULSE] or [TOUCH TONE].

  9. Press <Set>.

  10. Press <Stop> to return to standby mode.



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