How to use white balance correction on the EOS Digital Rebel XT.

Article ID: ART153654 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 02/05/2016


How to use white balance correction on the EOS Digital Rebel XT.


You can correct the standard color temperature for the white balance setting. This adjustment will have the same effect as using a color temperature conversion or color compensating filter. Each color can be corrected to one of nine levels. Users familiar with using color temperature conversion or color compensating filters will find this feature handy.

1. Select [WB SHIFT/BKT].
  • Select the  [ 2] tab.
  • Press the <> key to select [WB SHIFT/BKT], then press <>.
2. Set the white balance correction.
  • Press the <> key to move the "" mark to the desired position.
  • B is blue, A is amber, M is magenta, and G is green. The color in the respective direction will be corrected.
  • The upper right of the "SHIFT" screen will show the bias direction and correction amount.
  • To cancel the white balance correction, press the <> key  to move the "" to the center so that the "SHIFT" indicates "0,0".
  • Press <> to exit the setting and return to the menu
  • One level of the blue/amber correction is equivalent to 5 mireds of a color temperature conversion filter. (Mired: A measurement unit indicating the density of a color temperature conversion filter.)
  • You can also set white balance bracketing and AEB shooting in combination with white balance correction.
  • If you turn the <> dial in step 2, WB bracketing will be set.



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