Explanation of Color Management Tool Pro

Article ID: ART118378 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Color Management Tool Pro

The Color Management Tool Pro software allows you to minimize differences in print results by creating a printer specific ICC profile that matches your printer environment (printer type, paper type, and print quality setting) and applying that profile to images.

In order to use the Color Management Tool Pro software, you must have a compatible printer and a compatible color measuring device. The Color Management Tool Pro software will not work with any other devices than those listed below:

Compatible color measuring device: X-Rite Eye-One series

Eye-One Display 2, Eye-One Monitor, and Eye-One iSis are not supported.

Compatible printers: Canon Pro9000, Pro9000Mark II, Pro9500 and Pro9500Mark II.



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