G5020 Operation Panel

Article ID: ART174784 | Date published: 06/19/2019 | Date last updated: 06/19/2019


Main Components



A: ON lamp
Lights after flashing when the power is turned on.
B: ON button

Turns the power on or off

C: LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
Displays messages, menu items, and the operational status.

D: Stop button
Cancels operation when printing is in progress or when selecting a menu item.

E: Alarm lamp
Lights or flashes when an error occurs.

F: OK button
Finalizes your selection of items. Also used to resolve errors.

G: and buttons

Used to select a setting item. These buttons are also used for entering characters.

H: Back button
Returns the LCD to the previous screen.

I: Setup button
Displays the Setup menu screen. With this menu, you can perform printer maintenance and change printer settings. Also used for selecting the input mode.

J: Wireless connect button
To set wireless router information in the printer directly from a smartphone or other such device (without having to do any procedures at the router), hold down this button.


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