Sending a fax from the MX330

Article ID: ART153847 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


You can send a fax using the numeric buttons or using the speed dial buttons on the operation panel.


Sending Faxes

You can send a fax using the numeric buttons or using the speed dial buttons on the operation panel.

This section describes dialing and sending faxes directly with the Numeric buttons.

Sending a Fax with the Numeric Buttons

Redialing the Number Dialed with the Numeric Buttons

Adjusting the Sending Quality

Note: A PBX (Private Branch Exchange) is an on-site telephone switchboard. If your machine is connected through a PBX or other telephone switching systems, you have to dial the outside line access number first, and then the number of the party you are calling.

Sending a Fax with the Numeric Buttons

  1. Preparing for sending a fax.

    1. Make sure that the power is turned on.

    2. Load a document on the Platen Glass or in the ADF.

      Note: When sending a double-sided document, set the document on the Platen Glass. You cannot scan double-sided documents from the ADF.

    3. Press the <FAX> button.
      The fax standby screen will appear.

    4. Adjust the image quality (fax resolution) or density (scan contrast) as necessary.
      See Adjusting the Sending Quality.

  2. Sending the fax.

    1. When the document was loaded on the Platen Glass:

      1. Use the Numeric buttons to dial the recipient's number.

      2. Press the <Color> button for color sending, or the <Black> button for black & white sending.

        Note: Color sending requires that the recipient's fax machine supports color faxing.

      3. Press the <OK> button.
        The machine starts sending the fax.

        When sending two or more pages of document:

        * Load the next page, and press the same button as you pressed in (2) of step 2. Repeat the same procedure to scan all pages of the document, and press the <OK> button.

        * When you have sent the first page with the Black button, the following pages will be sent in black and white.

    2. When the document was loaded in the ADF:

      1. Use the Numeric buttons to dial the recipient's number.

      2. Press the <Color> button for color sending, or the <Black> button for black & white sending.
        The machine scans the document automatically and starts sending the fax.

        * Color sending requires that the recipient's fax machine supports color faxing.

        * To cancel sending a fax, press the <Stop> button, and follow the instructions on the LCD.

        * If documents remain in the ADF after pressing the Stop button during scanning, "Document in ADF. Close the feeder cover and press OK to eject document." will appear on the LCD. Press the OK button so that the remaining document is automatically fed out.

        Automatic redialing
        When sending a fax and the recipient's line is busy, the machine will redial the number after a specified interval. Auto redial is enabled by default.
        Auto redial can be enabled or disabled by selecting ON or OFF.
        Select ON to specify the number of redialing in Redial time and redialing interval in Redial interval.

Redialing the Number Dialed with the Numeric Buttons

  1. Prepare for sending a fax.

    1. Make sure that the power is turned on.

    2. Load a document on the Platen Glass or in the ADF.

    3. Press the <FAX> button.
      The fax standby screen will appear.

    4. Adjust the image quality (fax resolution) or density (scan contrast) as necessary.
      See Adjusting the Sending Quality.

  2. Select the telephone number in the redial list.

    1. Press the <Redial/Pause> button.
      The fax numbers dialed with the Numeric buttons will be listed.

    2. Use the (Up) or (Down) button to select the number to redial.

    3. Press the <OK> button.
      The selected number will appear in the fax standby screen.

  3. Press the <Color> button for color sending, or the <Black> button for black & white sending.
    Note: Color sending requires that the recipient's fax machine supports color faxing.

Adjusting the Sending Quality

You can adjust the image quality (fax resolution) or density (scan contrast) of the document you send. The higher you set the image quality setting, the better the output quality will be at the other end, but the longer it will take for the transmission. Contrast is the degree of difference between light and dark. Increasing the scan contrast thickens the whole fax image, or light penciled texts and such can be thickened. Adjust the image quality and density according to the type of document you are sending.

  1. Press the <FAX> button, and press the <FAX Quality> button.

  2. Select the image quality (fax resolution).

    1. Use the (Up) or (Down) button to select [FAX resolution].

    2. Use the (Left) or (Right) button to select the image quality.

      : Suitable for text-only documents.

      : Suitable for fine-print documents.

      Extra fine
      : Suitable for detailed illustration or fine-print quality documents.

      If the recipient's fax machine is not compatible with Extra fine (300x300dpi), the fax will be sent in the Standard or Fine resolution.

      : Suitable for photographs.

      Note: The color fax is sent with the resolution for Photo.

  3. Select the density (scan contrast).

  1. Use the (Up) or (Down) button to select [Scan contrast].

  2. Use the (Left) or (Right) button to select the density.
    Pressing the (Left) button decreases the contrast, and pressing the (Right) button increases the contrast.

  3. Press the <OK> button.

Click here to return to step four of Sending a Fax with the Numeric Buttons

Click here to return to step one of Redialing the Number Dialed with the Numeric Buttons

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