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CMS-XML Compatible operating systems for use with Canon digital video cameras
Many of the less common operating systems such as the various distributions of Linux as well as operating systems like UNIX , FreeBSD, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP 64, and BeOS directly support communication via the PTP (Picture Transfer Protocol). Many Canon digital video cameras support PTP for still image files via USB and will allow direct communication using applications built into the operating system.
CMS-XML Formatting the memory card in the XL H1 camcorder
Initializing a Memory Card Initialize new memory cards, or when you get the message "CARD ERROR ". You can also initialize a memory card to erase all data recorded on it.
CMS-XML Using the exposure modes on the XL H1 series camcorders
Using the Programmed AE Modes Programmed auto exposure modes provide automated advanced recording techniques ensuring professional results in various shooting conditions.
CMS-XML The lens is not mounted correctly
message will display if the camcorder cannot communicate properly with the lens. To correct this error turn the lens until it clicks into the lens mount. If the message does not disappear, unmount the lens, ensure that the lens and camcorder contacts are clean, and then remount the lens.
CMS-XML List of messages that appear in the XL H1 camcorders viewfinder
List of Messages No images are recorded on the memory card. CARD ERROR
CMS-XML Fitting the MA-300 microphone adapter to supported camcorders
Specifications Weight and dimensions approximate. Subject to change without notice. Errors and omissions excepted.