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^^ Compatible with select smartphone and tablet devices (Android™ version 5.0 or later and the following iOS® devices: iPhone 4 s or later, iPad 3rd gen. or later, iPod Touch 5th gen. or later) equipped with Bluetooth® version 4.0 or later and the Camera Connect App Ver.
CMS-XML Number of Recordable Images relative to CF Card specification (PowerShot G3, S45)
Number of Recordable Images relative to CF Card specification S/SF S / F S/N
CMS-XML Procedure for editing movies PowerShot S2 IS and S3 IS
You can delete unwanted portions from the first or second half of a movie clip. Movies recorded at 640 x 480 or 320 x 240 pixels (30 f / s ) and with the video signal set to the PAL format may play back with a frame rate lower than the recorded rate when output to a TV or video. You can play every frame by using the slow motion playback. To check the images at the original frame rate, you are recommended to play the movie back on the camera's LCD monitor or on a computer.
CMS-XML Changing the resolution and compression on PowerShot S50.
You can change the resolution and compression (excluding movies) settings to suit the purpose of the image you are about to shoot. (Medium 2) 1024 X 768 pixels Print card size 86 x 54 mm (3.4 x 2.1 in.) prints S (Small) 640 X 480 pixels
CMS-XML Changing the resolution and compression on PowerShot S1 IS
You can change the resolution and compression (excluding movies) settings to suit the purpose of the image you are about to shoot. (Medium 2) 1024 X 768 pixels Print card size 86 x 54 mm (3.4 x 2.1 in.) prints S (Small) 640 X 480 pixels
CMS-XML Sending images from a camera to an iPhone
A- 4 . Choose the SSID (network name) displayed on the camera’ s screen from the list of access points displayed on the smartphone. NOTE For better security, you can require password input by accessing MENU and choosing [
CMS-XML Error message "failed to import 1 of 1 image(s). Images larger than the largest supported size"is diplayed on Digital Photo Professional Express and cannot import photo(s)
] on the upper right side. 4 . When the [ Settings ] screen is displayed, tap on [ Reset message display ] under [ Reset ] . 5. Tap [ OK ] .
CMS-XML Fixing ZoomBrowser EX "corrupted database" or "E_Fail error" message for EOS D30, EOS D60, PowerShot A10, A100, A20, A200, A40, G1, G2, Pro 901S, S110, S200, S30, S300, S330, S40, ZR45mc, ZR50mc, and GL2
ZoomBrowser EX is giving a ?corrupted database? or ?E_Fail? error message. How can I fix this? 4 . Start ZoomBrowser EX again. If you receive a message advising you that the database has been deleted, click [OK
CMS-XML Resizing Images
Solution The procedure for shrinking an image` s resolution and saving it as a new image is explained below. IMPORTANT
CMS-XML Updating your camera to use
The following procedure( s ) will need to be followed to update your camera to use Depending on the model of your camera, you may require update via EOS Utility, a firmware update, or a refresh of the web services via the camera's menu.
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