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CMS-XML Compatible operating systems for use with Canon digital video cameras
Many of the less common operating systems such as the various distributions of Linux as well as operating systems like UNIX , FreeBSD, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP 64, and BeOS directly support communication via the PTP (Picture Transfer Protocol). Many Canon digital video cameras support PTP for still image files via USB and will allow direct communication using applications built into the operating system.
CMS-XML List of messages and their explanations that appear on Elura 80, Elura 85, and Elura 90, Elura 100
Direct Print Related Messages If the error persists, consult your dealer or a Canon Service Center listed in the Contact List provided with the printer or the printer manual. PRINT ERROR Cancel printing , disconnect the USB cable and turn off the printer. After a while, turn the printer back on and reconnect the USB cable.
Insert a memory card into the appropriate slot In order to use the photo print function, insert a memory card into the appropriate slot.
CMS-XML Professional Model Firmware Updates
CMS-XML Batteries may need to be recharged or replaced.
Batteries may need to be recharged or replaced if an error persists after battery recharge, or the unit may require a service evaluation. If the battery is currently in the device, and it is not working properly, remove the batteries and wait for 30 seconds and re-insert the batteries. In doing so, if your camera has a back-up or date and time battery, remove this battery as well.
CMS-XML "Learn With Canon" website available for learning events and articles.
Also, "Learn with Canon" in-person, with experiences that educate and inspire. Travel to breathtaking locations, learn from talented and passionate instructors, work with professional models, and bring your vision to life with dream gear in your hands.
PDF Canon - How to use your camera or camcorder as a webcam v6b
With your own Canon camera or camcorder, a video capture card and some software, you are able to take your video conferencing and livestreaming to the next level! Using this as a basis, you’ll be able to scale up into professional livestream interviews or host online classroom setups with multiple cameras and some additional gear.