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CMS-XML Working with files saved in HEVC format.
Saving Images displayed in HDR PQ Mode in HEIF Format When a HEIF image is saved as a JPEG or TIFF image , the work color spaces of the saved images are all fixed at sRGB.
CMS-XML 430EX Speedlite : How to set and use bounce flash.
The wall or ceiling should be a plain, white color for high reflectance. If the bounce surface is not white a color cast may result in the picture
CMS-XML Definition of Pixel
Pixel The colour samples that form a digitized image (such as a JPG file used on a web page) are also called pixels. Depending on how a computer displays an image, these may not be in one-to-one correspondence with screen pixels. In areas where the distinction is important, the dots in the image file may be called texels.
CMS-XML Using the Colored Filters
CMS-XML Color Temperature Information Transmission
CMS-XML Speedlite 600EX-RT: Light Modifiers
A big part of light control with Speedlites is making flash go through something -- anything from a colored gel to large devices to soften light. Syl gives a run-down of many of the options available.
CMS-XML QuickGuide to Canon Speedlite 580EX II Modes and Functions
This QuickGuide is designed to provide an overview of the Canon Speedlite 580EX II's main features and menu structure. With this in mind, we have color -coded the three primary operating modes that are available, along with the selections that are available in each mode. By familiarizing yourself with how these modes and features are organized you will be able to quickly determine what features are available and where to find them.
CMS-XML Definition of "Red-Eye" Phenomenon
"Red-Eye" Phenomenon The strong light emitted from a flash is reflected from the retina of the eye where the blood vessels are concentrated. This reflected light is sensed by the film and the eyes of the subject appear red on the printed picture. The chance of this occurring differs from person to person, but it generally occurs more with people with light colored eyes (blue and green).
CMS-XML Tips for shooting during winter with Canon digital cameras.
Use a polarizing filter: A polarizing filter can help reduce glare and increase contrast in your photos. This can be especially helpful when shooting landscapes or other outdoor scenes in the winter, as the snow and ice can cause reflections that wash out the colors in your photos.
CMS-XML 380EX Speedlite : How to set and use bounce flash.
The reflective surface should be a solid whitish color . If the reflective surface is patterned or not white, the results will be affected accordingly
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