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CMS-XML Specifications of the CN-E 18-80mm T4.4 L IS KAS S COMPACT-SERVO lens
WrittenbyLarryThorpe CustomerExperienceInnovationDivision,CanonU. S .A.,Inc. Formoreinfo:
WrittenbyLarryThorpe ProfessionalEngineering&SolutionsDivision,CanonU. S .A.,Inc. Formoreinfo:
CMS-XML Depth-Of-Field Tables for the COMPACT-SERVO 70-200mm T4.4 EF/PL
DEPTH-OF-FIELD Tables CN-E70-200mm T4.4 L IS KAS S Unit = m
CMS-XML Depth-Of-Field Tables for the COMPACT-SERVO 18-80mm T4.4 EF/PL
DEPTH-OF-FIELD Tables CN-E18-80mm T4.4 L IS KAS S Unit = m
CMS-XML How to Read an MTF Chart
Fine repeating line sets are created parallel to a diagonal line running from corner to corner of the 35mm frame, directly through the exact center of the image area. These are called sagittal lines, sometimes designated " S " on Canon's MTF charts. At a 90° angle to these, additional sets of repeating lines are drawn, called Meridional (or "M") line sets.
PDF Canon
Describe Issue and/or Problems. List any accessories you included for evaluation and how they relate to the issue( s ). Canon
CMS-XML How to adjust the back focus of a COMPACT-SERVO lens.
To the customer who purchased CN-E70-200mm T4.4 L IS KAS S : NOTE: When using the lens with the extender, be sure to adjust the back focus of the lens after attaching the extender.