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PDF User's Guide
4) The name( s ) of the Copyright Holder( s ) or the Author( s ) of the Font Software shall not be used to promote, endorse or advertise any odi 昀ed Version, except to acknowledge the contribution( s ) of the Copyright Holder( s ) and the Author( s ) or with their explicit written permission.
CMS-XML Basic Copying Method
1. Place the document( s ). [ Placing Documents
CMS-XML 2-sided Printing (Mac) (imageCLASS)
The printing procedure varies for each application. For details, refer to the manual( s ) supplied with each application.
CMS-XML Making a Call before Sending Faxes (Manual Sending)
1. Place the document( s ). [ Placing Documents
CMS-XML Determining the OS Version of Your Smartphone
Determining the OS Version of Your Smartphone Android (ex. Samsung Galaxy S 22)
CMS-XML Sending Faxes to Multiple Destinations Simultaneously (Sequential Broadcast)
1. Place the document( s ). [ Placing Documents
CMS-XML Unable to change print settings when printing from Safari - macOS Sierra version 10.12.4
Adding Printer as an AirPrint Printer to Your Mac / Printing Select the printer ' s name listed as Bonjour Multifunction Select Secure AirPrint
CMS-XML Placing Documents
4. Place the document( s ) face up in the feeder.
CMS-XML Scanning Documents and Saving Them in a Computer (USB & Network Connection)
1. Place the document( s ). [ Placing Documents
PDF User Support Tool
1 P r e p a r a t i o n 1 - 1 S y s t e m R e q u i r e m e n t s This section describes the software and hardware required in order to use the User Support Tool.
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