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PDF User's Guide
4) The name( s ) of the Copyright Holder( s ) or the Author( s ) of the Font Software shall not be used to promote, endorse or advertise any odi 昀ed Version, except to acknowledge the contribution( s ) of the Copyright Holder( s ) and the Author( s ) or with their explicit written permission.
CMS-XML Basic Copying Method
1. Place the document( s ). [ Placing Documents
CMS-XML 2-sided Printing (Mac) (imageCLASS)
The printing procedure varies for each application. For details, refer to the manual( s ) supplied with each application.
CMS-XML Determining the OS Version of Your Smartphone
Determining the OS Version of Your Smartphone Android (ex. Samsung Galaxy S 22)
CMS-XML Unable to change print settings when printing from Safari - macOS Sierra version 10.12.4
Adding Printer as an AirPrint Printer to Your Mac / Printing Select the printer ' s name listed as Bonjour Multifunction Select Secure AirPrint
CMS-XML Placing Documents
4. Place the document( s ) face up in the feeder.
PDF User Support Tool
1 P r e p a r a t i o n 1 - 1 S y s t e m R e q u i r e m e n t s This section describes the software and hardware required in order to use the User Support Tool.
CMS-XML Scanning Documents and Saving Them in a Computer (USB & Network Connection)
Related Info 1. Place the document( s ). ID: 8203146600_EN_1
CMS-XML Wireless LAN Troubles
The Printer Port Name is Not Displayed in [Print to the Following Port( s )] Make sure that the correct printer driver is installed to your computer. When switched to wireless LAN connection from the other method (USB connection or wired LAN connection), uninstall the MF driver.