Setting the fax receive mode MP530

Article ID: ART126074 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/14/2015


Follow these instructions to set the fax receive mode.


Receive Mode Setting

On the operation panel, press the following buttons to select the appropriate receive mode.

  1. Press <Fax>.

  2. Press <Menu>.

  3. Press the right or left arrow button to select [Receive mode set], then press <OK>.

  4. Press the right or left arrow button to select the receive mode that best suits your needs, then press <OK>.

    FAX ONLY MODE: When you want to receive only faxes automatically with your machine, or have a dedicated telephone line for FAX use only.

    MANUAL MODE: When you receive mainly voice calls and sometimes faxes, or want to receive faxes manually.

    ANS MACHINE MODE: When you want to receive voice messages on your answering machine and receive faxes automatically.

    FAX/TEL AUTO SW: When you want to receive faxes automatically as well as voice calls.

    DRPD: When you have subscribed to a DRPD service with your telephone company.

  5. Press <Stop/Reset> repeatedly to return to fax standby mode.



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