Starting MP Navigator - MX432 (Macintosh)

Article ID: ART134015 | Date published: 05/13/2015 | Date last updated: 08/15/2015


This article also applies to the PIXMA MX439.

  Starting MP Navigator EX


  • To scan via a network connection, start MP Navigator EX and set up the network environment.

    Network Scan Settings

To display from the menu bar, follow these steps: From the Go menu of Finder, select Applications, then double-click the Canon Utilities folder, then MP Navigator EX 5.1 icon.

figure: Navigation Mode screen 


Starting One-click Mode

Click (Switch Mode) at the bottom left of the screen.

figure: Navigation Mode screen 


The One-click Mode screen appears.

 figure: One-click Mode screen 



  • Select the Show this window at startup checkbox in the Navigation Mode screen to always open the Navigation Mode screen at startup. If this checkbox is not selected, the last used screen appears at startup.

  • Click (Switch Mode) at the bottom left of the One-click Mode screen to display the Navigation Mode screen.

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