Printing a List of the Registered Destinations - MX452

Article ID: ART142194 | Date published: 05/13/2015 | Date last updated: 04/26/2019


Fax Operation


This article also applies to the PIXMA MX459.

You can print a list of the recipients registered for memory dialing and can keep it near the machine to refer to when dialing.

  1. Make sure that the machine is turned on.

  2. Load paper.

  3. Press the FAX button.

    The Fax standby screen is displayed.

  4. Press the Menu button.

    The FAX menu screen is displayed.

  5. Use the LEFTRIGHT button to select Print reports/lists, then press the OK button.

  6. Use the LEFTRIGHT button to select TEL number list, then press the OK button.

  7. Use the LEFTRIGHT button to select a memory dialing menu to print, then press the OK button.

    • If you selected Memory dial:

      Use the LEFTRIGHT button to select whether to print the list in alphabetical order of the registered names, or in numerical order of the coded memory codes, then press the OK button.

      If you select Yes, the list of coded memory dial is printed with the destination names in alphabetical order.

      If you select No, the list of coded memory dial is printed with the registered entries in numerical order.

    • If you selected Group dial:

      The list of group dial is printed.

MX452 Page

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