PictBridge print settings - TR8520

Article ID: ART168129 | Date published: 07/18/2017 | Date last updated: 03/13/2019


Wireless LAN


PictBridge print settings

You can change the print settings when printing from a PictBridge (Wireless LAN) compliant device.

figure: LCD

Set the print settings to Default on the PictBridge (Wireless LAN) compliant device when you want to print according to the settings on the printer.

To change print settings from the PictBridge (Wireless LAN) compliant device:

You can specify the following setting items.

  • Page size

    Select the paper size when printing directly from a PictBridge (Wireless LAN) compliant device.

    When you perform PictBridge (Wireless LAN) settings from the printer, set Paper size to Default on the PictBridge (Wireless LAN) compliant device.

  • Type (Media type)

    Select the media type when printing directly from a PictBridge (Wireless LAN) compliant device.

    When you perform PictBridge (Wireless LAN) settings from the printer, set Paper type to Default on the PictBridge (Wireless LAN) compliant device.

  • Print qlty (Print quality)

    Select the print quality when printing directly from a PictBridge (Wireless LAN) compliant device.

  • Border (Bordered/Borderless print)

    Select the bordered/borderless layout.

    When you perform PictBridge (Wireless LAN) settings from the printer, set Layout to Defaulton the PictBridge (Wireless LAN) compliant device.

  • Photo fix

    When Auto photo fix is selected, the scene or person's face of a shot photo is recognized and the most suitable correction for each photo is made automatically. It makes a darkened face by backlight brighter to print. It also analyzes a scene such as scenery, night scene, person, etc. and corrects each scene with the most suitable color, brightness, or contrasts automatically to print.


    • As a default, photos on a PictBridge (Wireless LAN) compliant device are printed with auto correction applied.

    • If No correction is selected, photos are printed without correction.

  • Red-EyeCorrection

    Select ON to correct red eyes in portraits caused by flash photography.

    Depending on the type of the photo, red eyes may not be corrected or parts other than the eyes may be corrected.

TR8520 Page

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