Install the CP Printer driver properly (CP740)

Article ID: ART152074 | Date published: 05/22/2015 | Date last updated: 12/28/2015


Install the CP Printer driver properly (CP740)


Installing the Printer Driver

Note: The display resolution needs to be set to 1,024 x 768 pixels or more during installation.



  1. Place the supplied Compact Photo Printer Solution Disk into the computer's CD-ROM drive.

  2. Click [Select Printer] in the printer driver window, followed by the name of your printer model.

  1. Follow the onscreen instructions. When you are prompted to attach the printer partway through, attach the printer to the computer and turn the printer on.

  1. Click the [Finished] or [Restart] button when it appears.


  1. Place the supplied Compact Photo Printer Solution Disk into the computer's CD-ROM drive and double-click the (CPSD Installer) icon in the CD-ROM window.

  2. Click [Select Printer] in the printer driver window and select your printer. Click [Agree], select [Easy Install], followed by [Install]

  1. Follow the onscreen instructions. Restart the computer when prompted.

  2. Attach the printer to the computer and turn the printer on.

  3. Open the [Utilities] folder on the start-up disk and double-click the [Printer Settings Utility] icon.

  4. Click [Add (Printer)] and select [USB] followed by your printer. Finish by clicking the [Add] button and closing the window.



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