Faxing from the computer (PC faxing) MP730

Article ID: ART161159 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 08/18/2015


Faxing from the computer (PC faxing) MP730 / MP700


Sending a fax (from your computer)

You can send faxes using the fax driver from applications that support document printing. You can only specify one fax recipient. You cannot send a fax to two or more recipients in one operation.

  1. With the document you want to fax open in an application (such as Word), click the Print command.(In most Windows applications, the command is 'Print' on the File menu.)

  2. In the 'Print' dialog box, in the 'Select Printer' or 'Name' list, select 'Canon MP730 FAX', then click'Print' or 'OK'.

  3. Enter the 'Name' and 'Fax' of the recipient, then click 'Add to Recipient List'.

    • You can only enter one recipient.
    • You can use 0 through 9, dash (-), and parenthesis ( ) etc. in fax numbers.
    • You can also specify a recipient from the Address Book.
    • If you register a recipient in the Address Book, you can use the information the next time you send a fax to the same recipient.
  4. Click 'Send Now'



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