FX : How to set the exposure

Article ID: ART152156 | Date published: 05/22/2015 | Date last updated: 02/01/2016


How to set the exposure


There are two ways to set the exposure on the FX

  1. Set the lens aperture
  2. Facing the camera towards the subject, the position of the meter needle is determined
  3. Turn the shutter dial and adjust the same figure as the lens aperture to the guide line where the needle stops
  4. Set the shutter dial to the click stop position. The exact exposure has not been set.

  1. Set the desired shutter speed
  2. Turn the camera towards the subject to be photographed
  3. Read the aperture stop to which the needle is pointing and set the lens to that aperture.
  • When measuring the brightness, be careful not to cover the light meter window with your hand. Since the light meter acceptance angle is 40° it is possible to measure the principal subject without being hindered by excessive light (light other than that reflected from the subject)
  • No attention is needed to the B or X index of the shutter dial
  • Reading of the aperture stop is made according to the guide line
  • During the use of the meter there are instances of the movement of the needle becoming slack owing to changes in the degree of light, but this is due to the peculiar characteristics of the CdS



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