Locate the serial number MP360 / MP370 / MP390

Article ID: ART158790 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 04/04/2016


Locate the serial number MP360 / MP370 / MP390.


Locate the Serial Number

The serial number of the MultiPASS MP360 / MP370 / MP390 is located at the back of the printer approximately at the center of the cover, as shown below.

  • The serial number for the MP360 starts with three letters (UDA) and ends with five numbers. Example: UDA12345
  • The serial number for the MP370 starts with three letters (UDB) and ends with five numbers. Example: UDB12345
  • The serial number for the MP390 covers two ranges. One range starts with the letters UDC and the second range starts with VDC. Each range also includes five numbers. Example: UDC12345 or VDC12345.



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