Support Code 5200 - Alarm Lamp and Power lamp Alternately flash 8 times

Article ID: ART165794 | Date published: 06/16/2016 | Date last updated: 04/29/2019


Code 5200 - 8 alternate orange and green flashes (alarm and power lamps)



Printer error has occurred



There are a couple of reasons for a 5200 error to occur. Starting from the top, proceed to the next list item to clear the message.

-  The remaining ink level is low.
    Check the ink level status. . If the ink cartridge is empty, replace the ink cartridge with a new one.
    Instructions to replace the ink cartridge.

-  The ink carridge is defective. Replace the ink cartridge with a new one.
    Instructions to replace the ink cartridge.

If replacing the ink cartridge does not clear the error, power the printer off and on.

    When the ON lamp stops flashing, the machine is turned off.

        1.  Press the ON button to turn off the machine.

        2.  Unplug the power cord.


        3.  Plug the power cord back in and then press the ON button.

        4.  If powering off the printer and back on does not clear the error, service is required.
For support and service options, sign into (or create) your Canon Account from the link below.
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