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CMS-XML 430EX Speedlite : How to set and use bounce flash.
The wall or ceiling should be a plain, white color for high reflectance. If the bounce surface is not white a color cast may result in the picture
CMS-XML How to set and use bounce flash on the 430EX II Speedlite
The wall or ceiling should be a plain, white color for high reflectance. If the bounce surface is not white a color cast may result in the picture
CMS-XML Using the Colored Filters
CMS-XML Color Temperature Information Transmission
CMS-XML Speedlite 600EX-RT: Light Modifiers
A big part of light control with Speedlites is making flash go through something -- anything from a colored gel to large devices to soften light. Syl gives a run-down of many of the options available.
CMS-XML QuickGuide to Canon Speedlite 580EX II Modes and Functions
This QuickGuide is designed to provide an overview of the Canon Speedlite 580EX II's main features and menu structure. With this in mind, we have color -coded the three primary operating modes that are available, along with the selections that are available in each mode. By familiarizing yourself with how these modes and features are organized you will be able to quickly determine what features are available and where to find them.
CMS-XML 380EX Speedlite : How to set and use bounce flash.
The reflective surface should be a solid whitish color . If the reflective surface is patterned or not white, the results will be affected accordingly
CMS-XML QuickGuide to Speedlite Transmitter ST-E3-RT Setup
• If you are using more than one sender, the color of the <LINK> lamp will vary depending on the order in which you turn the senders on. The first/main sender is green. Subsequent/subsenders are orange.
CMS-XML QuickGuide to Speedlite 600EX-RT Radio Wireless Flash Setup
• If you are using more than one sender, the color of the <LINK> lamp will vary depending on the order in which you turn the senders on. The first/main sender is green. Subsequent/sub-senders are orange.
CMS-XML Added Control with Speedlite 470EX-AI's Personal Functions
If you’re working indoors in smaller areas, with nearby light- colored ceilings and walls, this Personal Function option allows the flash head to tilt even farther backward, taking further advantage of walls and surfaces behind the photographer. The potential benefit? Less tendency for a very “overhead” character to the flash illumination, and arguably even better filling-in of shadows under eyes and noses in photos of people. Soft and more frontal illumination — from bouncing even farther backward — becomes possible.
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