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CMS-XML Restart MPService on Windows XP SP2 or later computer (C530, C560)
CMS-XML Is my product supported in the latest version of Mac OS X?
CMS-XML Error: Printer Not Responding / Off-line (Configure to Correct Port) - Windows
CMS-XML Uninstall interfering software or disable background printing
BJ (MP) Metafile error. same issue.
CMS-XML Scanning with the Desktop Manager - C755 / C555 / C530 / C560
CMS-XML Confirm the port on the device functions properly by connecting it to another computer
Confirm the port on the device functions properly by connecting it to another port or computer. If there isn't another device to test on the same port as the original device, connect the original device to another computer.
CMS-XML Set a Printer as Default on a Windows Computer
CMS-XML Divide the document to be copied
CMS-XML Change the Print Quality Settings (Windows)
CMS-XML Sending faxes using Group Dialing - C530 / C545 / C555 / C560 / C755
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