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CMS-XML Bundled Items (PowerShot N2)
Bundled Items ( PowerShot N2 )
CMS-XML Shooting movies (PowerShot N2)
Shooting movies ( PowerShot N2 )
CMS-XML Setting ISO speed (PowerShot N2)
Setting ISO speed ( PowerShot N2 )
CMS-XML Changing the Aspect Ratio (PowerShot N2)
Changing the Aspect Ratio ( PowerShot N2 )
CMS-XML Shooting in Hybrid Auto Mode (PowerShot N2)
Shooting in Hybrid Auto Mode ( PowerShot N2 )
CMS-XML Preventing the flash from firing (PowerShot N2)
Preventing the flash from firing ( PowerShot N2 )
CMS-XML Getting started with your new camera (PowerShot N2)
Getting started with your new camera ( PowerShot N2 )
CMS-XML Using a USB cable to charge the camera's battery (PowerShot N2)
Using a USB cable to charge the camera's battery ( PowerShot N2 )
CMS-XML Connecting to a printer and printing using Wi-Fi (PowerShot N2)
Connecting to a printer and printing using Wi-Fi ( PowerShot N2 )
CMS-XML Using an iPhone to control the camera during remote shooting (PowerShot N2)
Using an iPhone to control the camera during remote shooting ( PowerShot N2 )
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