
Category: Flash Memory Camcorders

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FS10 FS100 FS11
FS20 FS200 FS21
FS22 FS30 FS300
FS31 FS40 FS400

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  ID Title ascending Views Posted
ART135571 A vertical smear appears in the video. Objects seem to be leaning in the video. The video looks stretched or rubbery. Black or dark bands occur in the video during playback. 14,658 Jan 1, 1900
ART129259 Adjusting the LCD screen brightness on the FS22, FS21, and FS200 camcorders 3,336 Jan 1, 1900
ART105075 Air travel restrictions information for carrying lithium and lithium ion batteries. 221,186 Nov 1, 2015
ART156170 All Canon chargers are international voltage, only an adapter to change the plug style is necessary. 278,989 Nov 1, 2015
ART117713 All Canon Standard Definition digital video cameras record video using NTSC compatible 480i 23,396 Jan 1, 1900
ART102361 Approximate number of still images on a memory card for FS series camcorders 5,438 Jan 1, 1900
ART102354 Approximate recording times for the FS10 1,771 Jan 1, 1900
ART102355 Approximate recording times for the FS100 2,037 Jan 1, 1900
ART130555 Attaching and charging the battery pack FS10, FS11 and FS100 camcorders 10,327 Jan 1, 1900
ART132350 Attaching and charging the battery pack with the FS20, FS21, FS22, and FS200 9,242 Jan 1, 1900
ART122917 Attempt to use data recovery software or contact a data recovery company. 62,414 Oct 1, 2015
ART109716 Average expected battery life for the FS30, FS31, and FS300 camcorders 3,087 Jan 1, 1900
ART129255 Battery pack charging times for the FS22, FS21, and FS200 camcorders 5,054 Jan 1, 1900
ART135576 Can my camcorder be used as a webcam or to stream video? 17,614 Jan 1, 1900
ART138035 Can you use the Compact Power Adapter overseas? 56,747 Jan 1, 1900
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